Sometimes our customers come to us with very specific ideas. Our team of designers and surveyors work closely with the customer and are more than happy to assist in the design of bespoke balustrade components to match those seen in magazines or in this case an idea from a design wishlist.
The Baluster Splat
The definition of a baluster splat is 'a flat alternative to a traditional baluster, usually with a shaped outline and engravings within the body'.
The project required that the flight include baluster splats in lieu of traditional square section balusters. The staircase was based around our standard 'Open Riser' construction, with a few quirks to give it that personal touch.
Along with the timber cladding supplied and fitted by the customer, the staircase fits beautifully within the house. Using our 5 axis CNC and the latest 3D CAD/CAM software enabled us to produce the required components to strict tolerances whilst matching the bespoke design in quantity.

As the sunlight falls upon the exposed balustrade faces, amazing shadow patterns will be formed giving the finished product a magical look. This is just another example of how a staircase can become the main focal point of a given space.